Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Reformation Day

My 3 little FAIRIES and PETER PAN enjoyed a beautiful night of collecting candy at Grandmas and Grandpas... The weather was gorgeous, the costumes were cute and the candy was plentiful. Here are a few captured memories from this years dress up day...


  1. Hey Chastity! I just found your blog and am so excited to be able to catch up and keep up with you and your adorable little family! Looks like you guys are having so much fun! Bless your heart for being so creative and so organized! Looks like you are doing such a great job with four busy kids! Their Halloween costumes are simply adorable!

    By the way, that coffee mug in the last post is the same dishes that our family had when I was little! What a cozy memory you gave me!

    Keep up the good work and I'll definitely be back to see more wonderful pictures of your adorable kids!

  2. ok, so i reopened a blog so i can post comments on all my friends! LOL! anyway, cute blog and pictures!~ do you not tell your kids its "Halloween"? just curious in case i get Halloween cards for free. costumes turned out cute too--gotta ge my pictures up!

  3. Little Peter Pan....soooo cute!!! I LOVE the super fluffy fairy skirts too!

  4. CUTE little faries and baby Peter Pan!!!!!!! I love that Elijah was putting one of his sisters's dress in his little mouth! LOL
