Thursday, November 20, 2008

Countdown to Christmas

Yesterday we made a paper chain with 35 links because CHRISTMAS is 35 days away!! Every night we tear off a link.... The twins were pretty excited.


  1. i am so glad your girls enjoy that. i did that with Clayton last year, thought he would like it-and one night he ripped all down adn said "this is stupid". i was so sad! I Love the paper chains from elementary school!

  2. Oh, Abbey, I laughed at loud for like a minute after I read your comment!! I also LOVE paper chains because it reminds me of elementary school too:) Maybe your girls will enjoy them more:)

  3. What a good idea (and cheap - I like cheap these days) rather than buy an advent calendar! I'm going to store this away in my "Mommy" brain for the day we have a family!
