Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I don't know if I spelled that right, but you get the idea. My little Elijah can be SO sweet (when he's in my arms) and SO naughty (when he's not in my arms) I am a bit frazzled since I let him scream constantly because my arms feel like they will break after holding him for hours! Its very frustrating! I have never had easy babies- all of my babies wanted my undivided attention ALL day long- they were not content to lay on their backs, bellies, boppies, Bumbos, you get the picture!! I hope this phase will pass soon because I feel at my wits end!The little monster screaming his lungs out on the floor... No one loves me!!!Sweet angel- notice whose arm he is on!!


  1. I can certainly hear your frustration in this post. So sorry, Chas. At least he's cute, but I know that doesn't help the day go by any faster.

  2. He is SO cute!!! I do love him but wish he was more laid back! This too shall pass...
