Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

Here are a few snapshots from Christmas Eve (celebrated at my inlaws) and Christmas Day (celebrated at my house) We had a VERY relaxing Christmas, which was nice. My mother in law made an amazing roast and Emy made some great cookies and I made pumpkin roll. YUM!!!
We opened presents and the girls were spoiled as usual (thanks everyone!) They played and played with all their toys until it was time to go. Christmas morning, we opened gifts( from us and family in PA) and the girls again played and played until well after lunch. I was very pleased with their attitudes towards the presents this year. They didn't cry and whine and said "thank you" and "I love you, mommy", after it was all over!! Christmas night, we dropped off Elijah at Aunt Emys and Ella at Grandmas and Mark and I took the girls to see "The Tale of Desperaux"- such a cute movie!!! Sophia ate so much popcorn I thought she'd get a tummy ache! It was a fun holiday!

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