Monday, January 19, 2009

Lovin Colorado Weather...

On Saturday, we headed out to the Denver Zoo to enjoy the almost 60 degree weather and to wear our children out so they would nap and we could nap too:)

Elijah loved the Rainforest and was intrigued by the ceiling and sounds
(poor Mark looks SO tired in this picture:)

Mom and Elijah after lunch

Shedding the coats

The kids favorite part of the kids day!
FYI- they didn't take naps!!!! ARRGGG!!!
Oh, and tomorrow( the 20th) is going to be 70 degrees!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pic of Mark and Elijah. Elijah looks so cute!

    Don't you hate it when you have a plan for naptime and it doesnt work?! I hate it!!!!

    But I love living in CO weather! :-)
