Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lazy Tuesday and 2 FREE deals

I have a feeling that today is going to be a lazy day:)

I stayed in bed till almost 8, cuddling my little man. What a great start to my Tuesday. Mark took the van to school, so I am carless which is fine with me! Its a bit chilly out and I prefer staying warm and snug in our little apartment. We're supposed to get some flurries tonight.
As I am typing, Elijah is cooing happily as he watches the girls play "school". Arianna and Sophia have been on a pretending craze lately- its nice seeing them use their imaginations instead of waching movies. They play with their dollhouse constantly, making up little scenerios with their dolls and pets. Too cute.

My house needs help so its a good thing I am stuck here today. I will do laundry, clean the bathrooms, vacuum and dust, oh, and change all the sheets on all 5 beds! Its sorta exciting to see things get accomplished and know my house in order even if it only lasts for a few hours:)

Tonight, we are doing FREE fast food:)
Good Times is offering a FREE Mighty Deluxe Burger at savetheburger.org and Jack in the Box is offering a FREE curly frie -AWESOME!
We will drink water or my iced tea at home and the girls can eat dinner at home, usually cereal when we get fast food:) They dont seem to mind! I know its not healthy but its FREE and this week that is needed:) Tax refund comes on Thursday!!!

So, hope you all have a GREAT Tuesday and get much accomplished!
I am off to get everyone out of jammies and a shower for me!
"The joy of the Lord is our Strength!"

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