Thursday, March 26, 2009


My dear husband arranged a surprise party for my 30th birthday!
(I think he felt bad that he was going to be gone on my actual birthday:)
Special thanks to my inlaws for hosting the party at their home
and providing the AWESOME food and yummy cake!
I love you guys! You made me feel so special:)
Everyone eating and enjoying the fellowship- I REALLY was surprised!
It was great to see friends that I haven't seen in a while!

The cake- my girls favorite part!

Blowing out the candles

Christie and I - thanks for the Starbucks card- we've already used it:)
Me, Ella, Aspen and Autumn- thanks for the Target gift card- I cant wait to use it!

Jamey and I- thanks for the Target card- I LOVE that store!!

Alyssa and I (doesnt she look great for just having a baby!)-
thanks for the great scarf- so pretty!

My dear friend, Erika and I- thank you for the GREAT purse and earrings-
you have great style:)

My sister in laws- Tina and Emy- thanks for all your help with the party!


  1. that is really sweet of your family! Glad you had a good birthday--even if it was early! at least with mark gone-you can be a bit of a slacker if you want to! LOL! (it coudl be your present to yourself! :) happy birthday again--i am mailing you a card-it just doesn't have a stamp!

  2. Happy Birthday, Chas. It was good to "see" a few familiar faces at your party!
