Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Info- Mercials

We do not have cable. SO, my girls are only able to watch cartoons on quobo which is like PBS. They enjoy them and so do I seeing as they are all good, not trash. But, the twins never see commercials (except when they are at grandma and grandpas and they LOVE commercials) instead they see infomercials- things you can only buy off of TV. Today as I was doing the dishes from breakfast, Arianna comes to me and says that we need a Roto-Tool so we dont have to dig in the dirt with our hands. Its so funny- they know them all and always tell me when the product would come in handy. Like the cell phone clip- they can tell me all the benfits of having one- I couldnt find my cell phone in my purse one day, so Arianna told me I should get the clip on TV because then it wouldnt get lost! Funny.


  1. Oh that is funny! Does that mean your in-laws like watching infomercials, too? I find them entertaining, as well, ha ha.

  2. No, my inlwas have cable so the girls really like those commercials because it shows every toy in the world that they DONT have! Oh my! I am glad we dont have cable for that reason:) among others!

  3. ha ha ha... good ol' qubo! My kids make so much fun of "bendy brush" and "twisty towel"!

  4. oops, that was supposed to be from me!

  5. My kids want me to buy "Aqua Globes" and that burger thing that makes "sliders". :-)
