Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thursday's Concert

On Thursday, I was able to go to a great concert featuring 5 different bands. I went with Jeremy and Jenny Doan and Jeremy's sister and boyfriend. It was $10 a ticket pay at the door so we were pretty close in line and were able to get really good seats inside. (Mark was unable to go since 2 of the kids were sick with colds and we felt bad sticking them with a babysitter) So, since he went to California for 8 days, I got to go to the concert:) We had heard on the radio that Tenth Avenue North was going to be at a Starbucks in town so I was able to go and meet thembefore the concert- they were super nice and ooed and aahhed over Elijah:) I LOVE the above picture!

Tenth Avenue North played after The Afters:)(no picture of them)

Jeremy Camp- his story is amazing, how he met and married his 1st wife knowing that she had incurable cancer. She died shortly after and now he is remarried with 2 kids! He also is a GREAT musician= you can tell he really believes what he sings and he gave a great challenge about truly being on fire for God.

Mercy Me (part of them)- also Hawk Nelson played too but no pictures of them:)
Thanks to Jeremey for taking really good pictures for me
since all mine were turning out really blurry!

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