Saturday, July 18, 2009

Play Dates

Sarah and her crew came by one morning and we treated ourselves to SUSHI- yum!

I am SO thankful that I am able to stay at home and be a mom for my full time job! I really can't express in words my thankfulness to my husband for realizing the importance of me staying home to mold and guide the young minds placed in my care. And the bonus to staying home is PLAY DATES! I SO enjoy getting together with other moms who are in the same "stage" of life as me- rearing small children. We understand each other- the struggles with potty training, whining, stubbornness, consistency,etc.

Lydia and Lynnea came by another morning to enjoy the slip and slide. We loved the complimenting bathing suits!

If any of you stay at home moms want to stop by for a visit with your kids any morning, please call me and we can set it up! I SO enjoy talking to adults while the kids play!
Or if you are not a stay at home mom, you are invited as well, for dinner!
(Bonus: evenings are much cooler!)
You are all MORE than welcome to come anytime...

1 comment:

  1. I love the sushi picture. :-) Thanks for showing me how to eat it! lol
    And thanks for allowing us to come over....your house is wonderful. I am so thrilled for you guys that you finally have SPACE!!!
