Friday, July 17, 2009

Sophia's Ear Piercing

Sophia has been asking to get her ears pierced for some time now(and I didnt put it in her head:)So, I told her to ask Daddy since he didn't want them to get it done till they were older! She persistently asked him to get it done and he finally relented!
(who could resist that cute face?)
Thank you to Aunt Diane who gave the girls birthday money with which she got it done!
We took her to Claires and she picked out the diamond sparkley earrings.

At this point, I was certain that she would back out- she was looking petrified!

She didnt even cry- I was shocked! After the initial shock wore off, she was SO happy to be the ONLY one to have her ears pierced! Sophia LOVES to be different than her sisters. Ella talked about getting hers done and Sophia is trying so hard to discourage it, saying it hurts SO bad:)
I love that she has something that is unique, all her own!

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