Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Do I Still Date?

It had been a LONG time since I went on a "date" with my husband- just us.
No obligations, no one else that we knew:)
My mom watched the kids while we went to our favorite coffee shop- Solid Grounds-
and grabbed a cup of joe and a good hour of conversation.
(after which we went to Target and walked around since nothing else was open)
I LOVE talking with my husband with no children around!
He is so wise and I learn so much from him.
I admire him more than any man I know.
I love him more and more:)
We need to make more of these "breaks" just for us
Life can get so crazy and busy and the kids often wear us out
and test our patience with each other.
We NEED time to refocus and catch up on each others lives!
Thanks mom, for giving us that opportunity!


  1. thats nice you guys got to go out--that is usually how our dates are too, coffee and a walk around some store that is open! I love it. we put it in the budget, so every 2 weeks we go out. It is SO NECESSARY!

  2. Aww nice! And you look so intellectual in your specs! :) I am glad you got in a date with your hubby!
