Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Little Man

My little Elijah is growing up! He is now 15 months and so smart! He's already reading the newspaper:) Not quite, but he does have a very large vocabulary (I think:) He copies all the words we say and he can recognize TONS of objects and say their names too!
I think he takes after his daddy!
He still hasn't mastered walking but takes off on his own a few feet
and then realizes what he's doing and falls.
I do love him so....

This is his newest thing I say "Show me your silly face" and he does this....
Shuts his eyes and grits his teeth in a big smile- it cracks us up!


  1. cute cute CUTE!!! I'm sure he loves his audience of sisters for his silly face.

  2. He IS very smart. I've been impressed with all his words that he says and making all the animal sounds. Love the pic of him reading the newspaper. :) And that silly face is pretty funny!
