Monday, September 14, 2009

We may be on a roll....

My children (all 4 of them) have slept thru the entire evening for the past 2 nights- can you believe it? If you know me well at all, you know that my kids NEVER sleep all the way thru the night, even the 5 yr olds. You would also know I am yearning for a full nights rest with no interruptions! Well, I have gotten that for 2 nights in a row. I am shocked and holding my breath that it will continue. I dont think this phenomenon has happened in the last 5 yrs. seriously. Now that I posted this to the world, they will wake up tonight. I should have kept quite:)


  1. great news! I can't even imagine myself if my kids didn't sleep like they do! I SURELY hope it continues for you! (maybe school is wearing the older 2 out enough!)So do you feel refreshed?

  2. and they slept again last night! and its funny , I have been falling asleep so early and still having trouble waking up- I think my body is getting spoiled:)

  3. I am SOOOOO glad for all of you. How nice! Seriously, the first 6 mos of Maddie's life she didn't sleep (hardly at all) and I was not a happy person. So I don't want to imagine that continuing for 5 years. I hope you and Mark can keep them sleeping well.
