Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birthday Wishes

We started the day with a big breakfast for daddy with a special treat-
Orange juice (which I never buy because it is too expensive)
I got the kids picture taken in a cute frame for Mark to bring to school.
(it was free at Picture People)
and I gave him some flowers and a card!

I suprised Mark at Valor with balloons, and a few of his favorite things-
Dr. Pepper, Mac magazine, Kit Kat and Pumpkin Roll:)

When Mark got home, we had our first snow of the winter- only a flurry but still SNOW!

Ella and Elijah painted daddy a coffee mug (to match teh one I had the girls paint for him when they were 2) Arianna got him a belt and Sophia a sweater.
Marks parents came over with a yummy cake and
babysat while we went to TGIFridays and got FREE burgers!
It was a good day:)

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