Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Butterfly Place

I was made aware by a friend that museums have Culture Passes that you can get to go to museums FREE- so I checked one out of the library for the
Butterfly Place and went with my good friend Sarah.

My children (of course) were deathly afraid of the butterflies. Arianna would scream as soon as one flew by her head, which I might add, was quite often. Sophia warmed up, Elijah was oblivious, but Ella and Arianna were on the brink of tears about every 30 seconds.
The picture above says a thousand words about the experience.
After the butterfly part, we saw the insects and that was fun!
They got to touch a horseshoe crab and a starfish...

I got to hold Rosie the tarantula! It was cool...

The girls only pretended to be spiders....

and we ended the day with a nature walk. Here are the 2 Elijahs...

I am so thankful to have a good friend like Sarah to share these experiences with-
she helps me keep my sanity in a world full of toddlers!

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