Sunday, November 1, 2009

Candy Fun*****

Every year we go to Grandma and Grandpas for dinner and then some trick or treating!
They live in a development that has houses very close together and is very safe.
and they give out GREAT candy!

It amazed me how very quickly Elijah caught on to what was happening.
He had a death grip on his basket because he knew what was being put inside!
If someone forgot to put candy in his basket he would point and grunt at them!

Grandpa helped us with the kiddos while Grandma handed out candy back at their house!
We went out for about an hour and a half and got 3 FULL baskets and one 1/2 full (Elijahs)
We are set in the candy department for months:)

All night, Arianna was complaining of a headache and then just as we
pulled out of the driveway to go home, Arianna threw up!
(this is the first time I have ever seen her throw up in her 5 yrs of life!)
I was worried it was the flu, but this morning I am pretty sure she just ate

1 comment:

  1. Last year on Halloween, Elijah learned the word "MINE!" lol
