Sunday, November 8, 2009

One Fine Day

On evenings when I do not have to work at Gymboree,
our family tries to get outside when Mark comes home from work for a nice walk.
The weather has been in the high 70's lately, so-
perfect walking conditions!
I LOVE our walks because it gives Mark and I
a chance to really talk while the kids explore the woods:)


  1. I like the last picture, the one of you and Mark walking away. It is good - who took it?

  2. high 70's!! I thought you had 2 feet of snow!

  3. Crazy, huh?! That is why I LOVE Colorado- we got 24 inches of snow and one week later it was ALL gone and in the high 70's! I've never seen anything like it especially since in PA (I grew up there) that could NEVER happen:)
