Monday, December 7, 2009

Praise to our Great God!

Janel and I have been talking and Elijah really is doing much better- he is coming off the pain meds and even got the tube in his nose that was helping him breathe extubated. His lung is doing really well. His incision seems to be healing nicely and he stays awake for longer periods of time. She asks that we pray that he gets rest. She says he cries alot and she thinks he is afraid and confused. She said it took a WHILE after coming out of the NICU for Elijah to trust them and relax and be comfortable with them. He is very sensitive to people's touch and voices and he cant focus right now on things. Poor little guy. I just think back to when my babies were around 1 year old and they would get shots and look at me like "WHY are you letting these people hurt me?" It was heartbreaking and Elijah and his mommy and daddy are going thru these issues on a much larger scale. Please don't forget about them and keep praying- what an amazing thing to see God really answer my prayers and MANY other's for this little baby! We serve a merciful heavenly Father!!


  1. Hi Chas! I am so glad to hear that he seems to be doing a bit better! I am continually praying for him! I cannot even imagine what his parents are going through. It brings me to tears when I ready his updates! I will continue to pray for them all!!

  2. O that is good news for sure. Our family is praying for the little guy as well.

    BTW, I just found your blog through MIchelle's. It's so good to see pics of your family and see how happy and well you all are doing. :)
    - Jeanette (Vasel) Foster
