Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve Celebrations!

We took the kiddos to a nearby rec center to swim. Since we live in this district, I got an ID card (for cheaper rates,etc) and they gave me a bunch of coupons to use for different amenities. Well, there was one for swimming and the girl said it could cover our whole family- so we went swimming for FREE! (you know I LOVED that deal!)
The twins were in heaven, swimming like little fishes. They were even dunking under and begging to go in the deep parts!

Elijah on the other hand, was petrified for most of the hour and a half we were there. He clung to us with a death grip, as if he was going to sink under the warm water and dissappear forever. We gladly held him.

Ella cracked me up with this fishy slide! She was SO excited about it but EVERY time she went up she would beg me to catch her and despite our promises that we would , we would eventually have to grab her foot and pull her down. She would splash and sputter but never cry or whine:) Eventually Mark gave up trying to coax her down and as soon as she sat down, he would sneak up behind her and push her- it was SO funny!
And the even funnier thing was she didnt care!
After swimming, we went home and played board games.
We got Don't Break the Ice (Ellas fav) for Christmas and it's a BIG hit!
Then, it was on to Princessopoly! The twins got this from Grandma and Grandpa and they beg to play it all the time! It is just like Monopoly but much easier and really teaches them to count and add- its full of pretty princesses and girly things but Mark happily plays along. We've never finished it yet and amazingly we have had no tears or fights while playing!
In due time, we sent all the munchkins off to bed and settled down to watch a movie and eat all these yummy treats that I made for us! We even played some poker and blackjack! We were supposed to have a party with friends, but no-one could make it and I am quite glad it turned out that way- it was WONDERFUL to spend some quality time with the man I love!

Happy New Year- here's to a GREAT new decade filled
with love, laughter and God's amazing grace!

1 comment:

  1. I was welcoming in the new year with my little baby boy while everyone else was snug in their beds.... maybe next year we'll get back to our celebrating! It looks like you had a great evening with your family. I LOVE that you got to go enjoy the water for FREE. good work!
