Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One BUSY weekend!

What a VERY busy but amazing weekend! My sweet friends surprised me by taking me downtown to get away for the night. I am SO blessed  to have friends who would think of that for me and a husband who didnt blink an eye when they asked him if I could go!

Our first stop was The Rocky Mountain Diner- a place visited by Rachel Ray on her tv show of places to eat in different cities. She had the Roast Duck Enchilada, so I ordered that too- We all ordered something different and shared- it was SO good!

Our next stop was PF Changs where we attended a goodbye party for a sweet friend, Karie who was moving away quite suddenly. I put together a scrapbook for her and we ate MORE- lettuce wraps and  fried bananas and coconut  ice cream- amazing...

We then went to our hotel- a Hampden Inn on 19th and Stout- we went right to the hot tub and relaxed and talked. The we rented a movie and relaxed some more!
And the best thing ever- I SLEPT IN!

The next morning (Sat) we ate a HUGE breakfast in the hotel and then walked the 16th Street Mall and found some good deals at Bath and Body and Gap!

Then it was time to go home and prepare for Ella's 3rd Birthday Party! Sarah stayed to help me set up and bake! We amazingly got it together in 2 hours! The party was a success!

It was a cupcake/candy/tea party! I found these adorable tea sets for $1, so they were perfect party favors!

Ella was SO excited about her store bought cupcakes:) (I was feeling quite guilty for not making her a cake but she was just SO excited about the cupcakes so it made me feel better)

Don't I have some CUTE kiddos! I just LOVE them so!

We had 12 little ones running around...

We played Pass the Cupcake and Pin The Cherry on the Cupcake

Thanks to everyone who came and helped Ella feel so special!

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