Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Bubbly Boy

Our little Elijah is 20 months old. I can hardly believe it! 
He has grown so fast and is such a little boy now- not a baby!
Elijah loves to take pictures and is such a little ham in front of the camera!
He loves saying "cheese" 

Its amazing to me how I do not need to instill a love for boy things in his young life! He naturally gravitates towards balls of all shapes and sizes and cars! He LOVES to watch football or basketball with daddy and recognizes and says each sports name when it is on!

Elijah is VERY active and never sits still for long! He runs all over the house and chases his sisters constantly! His new favorite thing is to climb on the coffee table, stand up and JUMP off to his sisters- He's crazy!

He also is quite the comic and trys to make us laugh all the time! and he succeeds most of the time:) 

I LOVE this face- he makes it all the time and it cracks me up! 

He definitely is not as angelic as he looks:) He loves to hit Ella on the head but as soon as he does he rubs her head and says "sorry, El" and hugs her. His favorite phrase is "El, hit me" (that was his first sentence actually) Ella rarely hits Elijah but for some strange reason, he thinks that when he says that, he will get sympathy of some kind. He doesn't.
If you think of it, please pray for Elijah- He has been SO sick since Saturday night. He was in the ER and Urgent Care over the long weekend (diagnosed with croup and then bronchitis or pneumonia)
Tuesday, he went to the doctor and got a nebulizer treatment, steroids and antibiotics- poor guy. He is coughing horribly and is having GREAT trouble sleeping. He isnt eating much at all and has a fever for 2 days now- pray he gets over this soon and doesnt pass it to the rest of us!


  1. he is sooooo adorable! what a great little guy. I'm so happy that you have your little boy. I'm praying for him through this illness and you and Mark as well. I know you need God's great grace to keep going and doing everything when you're not sleeping! Enjoy every minute though, it's a gift from God.

  2. praying for Elijah...i was just thinking this morning of him and wondered how he is doing. You will have to keep us updated. Luckily, living in the middle of nowhere, we haven't had a lot of sickness in our house.
