Monday, August 16, 2010

I Cried Today...

Look at my First Graders! 

Hard to believe they start WHOLE days of school this year! 

My days are not going to be the same without these two.
At least I have two more little munchkins to keep me busy!
As we walked to school (yes, we walk 10 minutes to get there- thats 40 minutes of walking ever day for me- whoo hoo- exercise- I need it!) 
I thought about how fast our summer went and how big my girls have gotten.
They started their first day of a NEW school today.
I think that is what made it so hard for me.
I dropped them off with complete strangers and they knew no one in that big building.
I know they will be fine- I can trust my heavenly Father to watch after them, but it still was hard.
Their teacher was very nice. Her name is Miss Stephansen.
They have 29 kids in their class- CRAZY big! 
We walked them to their classroom and Sophia went right in and Arianna clung to my hand a bit. But, she went in without crying. Not me- As soon as I turned away and walked out that door, the tears were flooding my face. It was such a big step for us to step outside our comfort zone and put them in public school. I am terrified but excited for how God is going to use my girls and me in this school. 
I plan to volunteer in the classroom and for many events at the school. 
I want more and more opportunities to share Christ!
But I still am scared and would appreciate prayer for my girls and our family.
Today was just a half day and at 11:45, I met them at the door.
They excitedly told me all about their classroom and the things they did.
Sophia said, "Mom, you know what my favorite thing about the first day of school was?" 
"When Elijah and Ella rolled away in the wagon!"
Yes, While I was busy taking pictures,  the little ones were in the wagon that rolled quickly down the hill while I was snapping away- good thing another parent was watching my kids and saved them!


  1. i would cry too. i am sure they will do fine. :) i am glad you are able to walk them to school as opposed to them riding the bus. enjoy your other two munchkins at home, i am sure they are loving having a little more mama to go around. :)

    i love their school outfits. so cute.

  2. you know if you need anything, I am here for your encouragement and whatever "wisdom" i can give since Clayton has been in his school for 2 years now. It gets better. And it will encourage your heart to see your girls proving what you have taught them. Also, it will help you stay strong at home-i promise you that! God is in Control! REST in Him!
