Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just writing..

Just thought I'd write about my thoughts and ordinary days around here.
My girls love 1st grade and are not only expanding their minds but thier tastes as well..
We get free lunches since we have a gazillion people in our family:)lol so I have been NOT packing lunches and making the girls eat all thier lunches at school.
This has broadened their picky palettes.
They have added to their likes: chicken nuggets, celery, broccoli!!!
Baby steps in the right direction!
On a decorating note, I really need to get some red paint to finish my dining room. I made the curtains- which I LOVE!!! and I even had a big family photo shoot downtown to get some "artsy" looking pictures for the white wall opposite the red ones. My dear, sweet friend Megan and I worked ever so hard at Gymboree last night (lol) coming up with a pattern for all the black frames that I am using to display all the MANY wonderful shots she captured! 
So, now I am itching to get going!
I will publish the photo shoot pictures soon! You are going to LOVE them!
And I cant wait for IKEA to get here (next December- ugh)
so I can replace this horribly old, scratched and ugly table with a nice black one and padded chairs.
I am hoping by that time, little Elijah will have graduated to a CLEAN eater and we wont have as many dried mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and Life cereal stains and crud to deal with! 

Yesterday, I was able to watch these two cuties and let me tell you, 4 kids who are 3 and under is no easy task! They were all very good though and even napped for me (all but Elijah who laid in my bed with me reading a book) and kept kissing me, hugging me, rolling over, singing, kicking the blankets, picking his nose, and a variety of other offenses. He never fell asleep  and let me tell you a  2 yr old who misses a nap is NOT fun at 5 oclock at night-
Special thanks to Mark who dealt with him while I was at work interior decorating with Megan:)
But overall, it was a fun day spent with friends! 
Julianna cracked me up with these skates- I thought she was going to break her ankle!
And Addie had a grand time making herself pretty with all the pretend beauty tools we have..

Just so you know, I LOVE being a mommy who can stay at home 
and take care of my little ones and blog! 
Thank you , Mark, for working so hard to make this possible.

Well, time to log off....
over and out.

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