Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am back and ready to go!
I was able to get away without children or a husband:) to my hometown of PA and what a wonderful time of refreshment and relaxation I had. I feel like a new woman! I feel rested and just recharged. 
I spent almost all my time talking with family, sleeping in, shopping and eating.
It was GREAT! 
I cannot believe the difference it made in my everyday life to get away like that with nothing really planned. My wonderful mother(and brother) cooked every meal, washed every dish, picked up the house, drove me around (I think all I did was make my bed and to be honest, I think I left it unmade more than one day)! How amazing is that! I was VERY spoiled!
 I think my favorite part of the trip was just hanging out and talking with my family!
I got to see most all of my nieces and nephews in PA and my step sisters and brother.

Justin made me his famous linguini with fresh clams 
and his homemade chili- which were both amaxing!
Mom made her sweet and sour chicken- 
our favorite growing up and lasagna- mmmm!!
 I was also able to meet up with 2 of my best friends.
Karly and I have been friends since we were VERY young
and its SO cool to still have a close bond even after being apart since college! 
She is truly a kindred spirit (we loved Anne of Green Gables) 
and a wonderful mom to 5 kids!

I was also able to see my sweet friend Stephanie- 
Steph and I met at Camp Calvary in elementary school 
and wrote to one another for a few years and 
then went to 10-12th grade together at Faith and then to college together!
She is truly a great encourager in my life- 
and everyone needs someone like that!
She is also the mother of 3 little boys! 
We spent a few hours at Red Robin and the time just flew by!

I also got to enjoy the beautiful fall colors.. 
it was amazing and so pretty! 
I miss that. 
And now I am home!
The children survived. a bird died. the laundry is done. 
the house is clean. my fridge is restocked. 
I am ready to get back to being a mommy and wife.
I have a renewed passion for my family and for my role as 
caregiver to the most valuable treasures God has entrusted to me- my children.
"She looks well to  ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her." Prov 31:27-28
I have a renewed desire to meet my husbands needs 
and make my home a haven that he enjoys coming home to.
"The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. 
She does him good and not harm all the days of her life."Prov 31:11
I am so blessed and overwhelmed by HIS goodness in my life.
and a special shout out of THANKS to my husband and my inlaws 
who kept life going in Denver while I was away.
Now off to do some errands...


  1. I so enjoyed reading your post. Sounds wonderful. Glad you got refreshed!

  2. So sad to hear your bird died :(

    But happy to see you so happy! yaye for get-a-ways!!! :)

  3. What a fun post, Chas! So glad you were so encouraged and rested while you were away (although we did miss you!). You are a wonderful wife, mother, and friend ... so happy that you are a part of our lives!
