Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am ThAnKfUl for..

Ella Bella
( I talk a LOT about those people listed above so my list will include things not about them)
The GOSPEL that has transformed my life and to CHRIST who made it possible
My mom for giving me life and for inspiring me more than words can say:)
My dad who passed on to me a love for cooking and cake decorating! ( I miss him SO much)
A step dad who loves me and is a human encyclopedia! He knows everything!
A brother and step siblings who still keep in touch even though we are miles away..
a BAZILLION CUTE and COOL nephews and nieces!
Super inlaws who give me a break from cooking every Sunday!
Emy who scours the internet for me:)
Tina and Matt who motivate me to get a tattoo- SOMEDAY!
FRIENDS- you all know who you are!!You guys ROCK..
A home that keeps us warm and where memories are built!
the ability to stay at home and do whatever my heart desires:)
health that enables me to do what my heart desires..
a minivan that carts us all around
Little Basil- my new favorite cheap Thai restaurant that satisfies my cravings
my sewing machine- it rocks!
Apps on my phone that babysit my children
Colorado weather
lots of cute HIGH heeled shoes! I really like shoes 
reading others blogs- they inspire me to be creative!
a HUGE meal and fun with family to come soon....
HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg!!!

p.s. please note that this is not an exhaustive list of what I am thankful for- just a small portion that came to the top of my head this morning;)


  1. Nice 'thankful' list! I am thankful for your friendship, too, and your entire family that my family loves! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful family picture, and what a great list. Amen to #1! That's first and foremost... such an amazing gift, and I don't ever want to take it for granted.
    Gotta do a shout out for high heels, too. You are a woman after my own heart. ;) I could wear heels & a cute dress or skirt every day (along with some choice jewelry and perhaps an apron if I'm baking.) Girl all the way! Bring on the lace and pearls.

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