Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lunch with Auntie

 What a fun day we had with Aunt Emy today- 
we met for lunch at yummy Paradise bakery and 
then headed to this COOL park near her work!
How cool is this picture!

 It was such a nice day today- hard to believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

After the park, we went back to Em's work and met some of her coworkers and got a tour of her cool office building! It really was a fun afternoon.
On a side note, as we were walking home from getting the girls at school, Elijah threw up all over the place- I mean a TON! He didnt have a fever, but looked a bit pale.
I gave him a bath and a few minutes later he was back to his old crazy self! 
I am hoping this was just from something he ate. 
He went all night without getting sick again and still has no fever...
Praise God!

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