Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sneek Peek

I am using these 2 photos in my free shutterfly Christmas cards this year. plus a few others:) They turned out SO very cute even though my sweet friend Megan could not take them:) They would have been even better if she did them! But regardless, I still LOVE them and they look so good with the colors of the card- I think this is my favorite Christmas card of all this year!
I have been doing some much needed redecorating in my bedroom and I am loving how it is coming out- I just need a reading chair for next to the bookshelf, a reading lamp and a flat screen tv to hang on the wall:) not much at all right:) Plus I need to replace Kenny Rogers in the cute frame above our bed that I found at a yard sale for 50 cents. Kenny Rogers has no place in our bedroom.:)
Today was a busy day with 4 ladies and their children coming over for ladies coffee- it was SO fun! I just look forward to those events so much even though it means I'm running like crazy to clean everything to make it look presentable:)
I sold a toy today on Craigslist and actually made $5 off it. I got it at a yard sale for $5 and then the kids grew tired of it so I sold it for $10- and someone picked it up today! WOW! Maybe I should start a business:) another nice thing was that she didnt have the right change so she asked if I'd take a check- of course I said yes and she came back with 3 gifts cards to Chipotle (she works for them) for free burritos! She said it was for the inconvenience:) Can you believe that! What a great sale:) 
Ella is at a friends house for the afternoon and was SO excited to go ALL BY HERSELF! She really enjoys those kinds of things... when she gets to do them alone! I think it makes her feel so special. 
So, Elijah should be sleeping but I can hear the patter of little feet so I better go and see what mischief he has gotten into!

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