Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Ella Bella!

 Hard to believe that this little girl is now 4 years old! 
Ella is a HUGE blessing to our family!
She is very loud and energetic, yet has a very sensitive side.
She loves to try to keep up with her older sisters
and usually fits right in with the older kids! 
She is SO very smart and could write her name by the time she turned 3! 
She knows how to count by 5's and 10's ad knows her alphabet 
and some sounds and all her numbers up to like 60!
Yes, I'm bragging about her:)
We love you Ella and pray that you grow up to be a woman 
who loves Christ and His gospel!

I think I'm going to let the twins stay home today to play with Ella. 
She misses them so when they go to school!
here is a little video of Ella's first year of life! 
Sorry for the "loud" song right at the beginning!
It was Marks pick:) 

And one other thing- just wanted to ask you all to pray for our friends Giles and Janel Litzner- their little 18 month old boy, Elijah.  is having his 3rd serious surgery today at this very minute. The surgery is over 8 hours long and my heart is SO very heavy for little Elijah and his mom and dad. Please pray for wisdom and accuracy for the doctors,
for little Elijahs body to be strong
for quick and complete healing
for grace and peace for the Litzners.
"unto our God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly-
above what we could ask or think!"
To God alone be the glory!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! What a sweetie :)
    Thanks for sharing the video.
    Oh, and I love the pictures where Mark is half asleep and all the kids are in bed with him. Such a great family you have.

    I'll be praying for little Elijah today.

  2. What? You totally went through my Audio Adrenaline collection to find that song.
