Friday, January 14, 2011

SNOW much fun!

 This was our second major snowstorm in Denver this winter! Yep- only 2 snowfalls and its January! Amazing! Today its supposed to get to 53 degrees! The snow will be most likely gone this weekend.
But we definitely got out in it! 
Snowball fights, snow forts, snow angels, sledding and eating it!

 Is not my Ella just so precious with fresh snowflakes on her eyelids! I could eat her up!
 Elijah is till not a huge fan of snow.
 Our hill is not that steep so poor Mark has to get them going!

1 comment:

  1. Awww these are great pictures! I really like the one of you and Mark in your warm clothes and hats! I need to get my girls some sleds because we do have a hill nearby also!
