Sunday, January 2, 2011

We love Miss Megan!

 I have so many blog posts to catch up on from last year:) 
Mainly, our many Christmas celebrations and traditions.
So, check back often as I may even post more than one post a day! 

 So, my dear sweet friend (and boss at Gymboree) 
has become a very special part of our family- 
she attends every important event in our families lives:) 
and often babysits for free for us! 
What a HUGE blessing she is to our family!
The kids adore her (and call her Miss Meggie) 
and I'm pretty fond of her myself! 

 Megan got all the kids pillow pets for Christmas and she got Mark and I an amazing gift- dinner, a movie and free babysitting- which we are going to use this Tuesday since it is our anniversary! 
She spoils us! 
Thank you Megan for being so awesome! 
Megan has a red couch so I made these festive throw pillows to "Christmas" up her couch:)
We love you Megan and "Thank You" for such wonderful gifts 
and more importantly for your wonderful friendship!

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