Thursday, February 10, 2011

A First in the Gomez Household!

 Yes, the Gomez family has thier first toothless grin on Arianna! She has been complaining about her loose tooth for months and has wiggled and wiggled and it finally fell out on its own accord the other day.
At first I tried but got goosebumps and was thoroughly grossed out by the whole process.
Then Mark tried but his hands were too big to get a good grip on that slippery little bugger.
I wish Mrs. Broad was in town (she's my old Kindergarten teacher who pulled the whole school's teeth- and it didnt even hurt or you were just too chicken to admit it hurt!)
So, every day we wiggled and pulled a bit....
 Ella was certain Arianna would scream her head off when it came out so while we were trying to get it out- she held her ears! It was hilarious!! And the funniest part was that Arianna didnt cry at all during the whole week process. And thats a miracle if you know Arianna and her threshold of pain:)

 Finally, one morning she woke up and said her tooth felt really weird and she wiggled it and it fell right out in her hands! She was beyond excited!! And I was too! I pulled out the very special porcelian tooth container that would hold the tooth under the pillow while she slpet at night and she was happy to find out the next morning that the tooth fairy is real (although Sophia told her its just mom and dad) 
Thankfully, the tooth fairy didnt forget!!
She is just TOO cute!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of Ella and Elijah peeking through the stairs. So cute :-)

    And losing a tooth is a big deal! Soon they will be losing them left and right....
