Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Love Notes

My children LOVE to write notes. Some are love notes, some are mean notes, some are informative notes and most are hilarious notes! I really should take more pictures of what they right because they crack me up! If anyone needs suggestions for gifts for my kids- paper and envelopes(they beg me for envelopes, which I rarely give them) They love to cut and draw on their little notes. It is cute.
Ella will leave them at everyones spot at dinnertime. Arianna will write one to the boys in her class inviting them over and telling them she likes them. Sophia likes to write about animals and will start numerous animal books complete with illustrations.
Maybe someday one of them will be an author or illustrator- that would be cool.

On another note, the weather has been GORGEOUS here lately! 60's and sunny- cant beat it!

Did I mention I joined Costco a while back and I just LOVE it! The only down side is that it is hard to get out of there spending less than $20! But I must admit you can get GREAT deals if you know your products and compare ounces and prices! Its definitely a plus for our family to buy bulk!
Also it cuts down the trips to the store in general! 
My favorite thing right now that is a HUGE money saver for us is Log Cabin pancake syrup- it lasts us 4 weeks and is, I want to say, like $6 for 2 huge containers! We love our pancakes and waffles in this house, so it has been a HUGE money saver!

Elijah got a cashew stuck up his nose today. Fun. I panicked because I didnt want to spend $30 for a trip to the doctor. I called the doc and they said to keep trying to show him how to blow his nose- which as of yet he has been unable to do- several hours later he got the hang of it and the cashew flew out of his nose! $30 saved!

We are having bacon wrapped filet mignon with  roasted potatoes and a cherry almond blue cheese salad for dinner tonight:) Thats what happens when I go to Costco- Do we REALLY need bacon wrapped filet mignon- no- but it just sounded SO good and for the price- I just couldnt pass it up:) 

Go write a love note today:) 


  1. so cute! Love the note pictured - what an adorable sentiment!
    I love love love Costco too! Since two of my littles are still in diaper or pull-up stage, I can't beat the price of those items at Costco. Plus, I don't have to go back and get more for a while. :)

  2. we are members at Sam's we go about 3x a year and don't usually leave without a bill of 100$...but its worth it. Plus on Fridays they have TONS of sampling, so much that i can take my kids there for lunch just on samples! and its fun! :)
    funny about the cashew...only funny cuz it wasn't my kid.
    notes...yeah my kids do the same thing. i even get notes while i am using the bathroom or if i tell them to leave me alone for a while, i get notes under the doors. we finally bought them those marbled journals to write in and told them not to rip the pages out...we had paper EVERYWHERE! the journals worked well.. and those tiny "assignment pads" are the BEST gifts to my kids as well! I am thinking of getting Clayton a multi-color pen for his know the 10 color ones. i am pretty sure he will think i am super cool-at least for that day! ;)

  3. Hey- I made my own syrup the other day and it was super easy and cheap! It was brown sugar melted into boiling water with a pinch of salt. Super easy and cheap! You just need to let it simmer for awhile to thicken up. I loved reading about the love notes :)
