Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Floors and Other Such Happenings

March has been busy with lots of fun happenings!
Marks parents celebrated their 35th Anniversary and 
took us all to the aquarium for dinner and sight seeing!
It was a blast.
My favorite was touching the sting rays and eating the tilapia.
The girls was the mermaids! Oh my.
 We dressed in green this month and ate green cupcakes- 
they were SO very good!
And the biggest highlight of this month was the addition of our new floors!
I LOVE them! 
We had help from friends laying them and we tore the carpet out ourselves.
Marks family watched the kids- HUGE THANKS TO YOU ALL!!
They look amazing!
We still have trim work to do but overall it is SUCH an improvement and the cleaning is a breeze!
I just sweep everything right up with a broom and mopping it is a piece of cake!
They are wonderful!
I also made these cute cakes for a friend's little girl who was turning 1! 
I just LOVED how they turned out!
The big one was for the guests and the little one was for Jadyn to smash!
We had such a fun playdate this week with Erika and her girlies. 
We colored sugar cookies-messy but a blast!

In other news, I will be 32 in 2 days- yikes!
Hard to believe I am that old already.
Mark and the twins have been home on Spring Break this week and it has been GREAT! 
Although it is much harder to keep the mess under control when all the kids are home every day!
But it is well worth it!
So, that seems to be all the happenings in the Gomez house !
The weather is great out here if I forgot to mention! 
60's today:) 
I am really hoping that Spring is on its way! 

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