Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vintage Royal Wedding Hats

Gazillion of Easter Activities, Gymnastics, A First for Sophia and A field trip to the Zoo are all topics that I really need to post, but I just had to show you the finished products of the vintage hats I recreated since all the buzz in the blogging world is The Royal Wedding!
I stopped at a really cool antique store by our house that is HUGE and has some really good deals. I found these 3 vintage hats for under $10! I spruced them up with some fabric and satin flowers and pearls and some tulle and feathers! 
They turned out perfect!
Why would I need a vintage hat?
Am I invited to the Royal Wedding?
Sort of:) 
I am headed to a friends to watch it tomorrow morning
  complete with scones and crumpets, 
cucumber sandwiches and little muffins
and even a wedding cake:)
And dont forget the pearls and hats!!
Oh and a gazillion little kids running around, 
but it will be fun to be sure!


  1. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!
