Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

1. This week, we sent everyone back off to school (after Spring Break) It was wonderful to get back into the routine of life! Needless to say that routine is often very busy! I started watching 2 little ones in the morning from 7-9am. I really enjoy it and 6 kiddos is PRETTY busy!
2. This week, I sold most of my Stampin Up stuff (on ebay and Facebook)- I used to sell Stampin Up in Massachusetts and sadly there really is no time to sell it out here. Also, I found no one really interested in it, so I think that helped me to part with it all. It was VERY sad going through it all to remember all the GREAT times I had stamping with friends in MA and stamping cards for the HUGE moments in our lives- the announcement of our twins, the birth of out twins and the list goes on an on! I did hold on to a few of my absolute favorite stamp sets. and let me tell you Ebay is INSANE! I cannot believe how much I made for these Stampin Up punches on there! It really makes me consider doing an Ebay business.
3. I met a new friend- Tina!!! I  sought her out through mutual friends, Giles and Janelle. Her daughter, Ella, has CDH (a high risk birth defect), just like Elijah Litzner who I have asked prayer for many times! After reading her blog (click here), I realized she lived in our area! We met for coffee and can I say what an encouragement she was to me with her positive attitude about her struggles and her desire to be used of God through them. PLEASE pray for little Ella to grow stronger and to have a reprieve from her illness and for Tina as she takes care of her little girl! My heart has been so burdened for this family.
3. We had our weekly community group Thursday night- if you live in the area and want to come eat a meal with us and participate in a Bible Study- come on over at 6pm! It has been SO very encouraging to me to gather with a group of Christians weekly to pray, eat a yummy meal:) and study God's Word together! I look forward to Thursday nights every week:)
3. The weather has been GORGEOUS all week, so we have spent a LOT of time outside- playing, walking, swimming( I set up the little kiddie pool yesterday because it was around 80 degrees outside!), BBQing! SO much fun!
4. Little Teagon was born 5 days ago to Janna and Jeremy so we made them dinner last night and I was able to hold that precious little baby- ALMOST makes me want another- ALMOST! He smelled delicious, his little features were SO tiny and perfect, he slept so peacefully in my arms... it was great to welcome a new little person into the world!
5. And today is Sunday- a busy day for us with church and company! We are having Marks Africa team come over for food and a meeting. I am excited to meet everyone who will be spending time with Mark in Africa! (Special thanks to SO MANY of you who have sent money for his trip!) It is overwhelming to have so many wonderful friends and family to get behind Mark and support him in this mission trip! THANK YOU! I am SO VERY excited for him to get to experience Africa and help the orphans and AIDS victims there- I am excited to see how God uses this trip to even change our families lives! (Ella hopes Mark comes home with a little orphan girl:) and give us more of a vision for those abroad!
Well, that is all that is on my mind right now:)
Hoping you all have a wonderful week serving our great GOD!

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