Tuesday, May 17, 2011

End of the Year

 End of the school year for us, means field trips and lots of them! The twins went on 2 field trips in 2 weeks and I was able to tag along!  JJ was in our group and was quite the ladies man:) He cracked me up! The first trip was to the zoo and it was a gorgeous day to walk around and look at animals. 
The Denver zoo isn't much to brag about but it is nice to be outside and walk around.
The second trip was to The Denver Museum of Nature and Science. That was pretty cool for me but the first graders didn't have the patience or desire to read all the explanations and plaques, so we got through it pretty quickly! 

Of course, Ella and Elijah could not go since I was a chaperone and they thought in some strange way my little two would distract me from my job of chaperoning..
when the girls went to the zoo, 
Miss Melody watched the little too and they had fun playing with their friends!
And when the girls went to the museum, 
"Miss Meggie"took the little two to the zoo 
complete with a picnic lunch 
and new outfit from Gymboree:) 
I love how she spoils my little two:) 

 I am so thankful for the opportunity to have fun with my kids and their school friends. 
Next year, Ella will be in pre-K for 3 hours a day so it will be just me and Lij! 
Can you believe it! 
I feel old!
This is the last week of school for the twins and then they will be 2nd graders 
and our summer will officially start! 
I have a schedule already printed and filled in with
 activities and projects I want to complete with them. 

Mark leaves for KENYA in about 2 weeks- I cannot believe it is so soon! 
He has raised a bunch of money but still 
needs a bit more to reach his goal.. so if you would like to donate.. visit this link
He will be working with an orphanage and 
Aids Relief center for 2 weeks along with about 15 teens from Valor and 2 other sponsors.
I have been baking up a storm the past few weeks to help him raise money and cannot believe how much kids will pay for home baked treats and being able to eat them in class!  
Its been good, although I am a bit sick of baking.
Mark also has been working hard and putting in lots of hours building websites to raise extra money.
And a  SPECIAL thank you to those who have donated so far!!! 
especially one of Marks students parents who handed him a check for $1000 for his trip! 
What a blessing all your contributions have been!  THANK YOU! 
Through the course of his trip, Mark is hoping to be able to email 
updates and pictures to those who have donated!
He gets his shots today for all the diseases that he could possibly contract 
so pray he doesnt get sick from the shots...
I really am SO very excited for this trip. 
I already have most of the 2 weeks filled up with activities and play dates 
and things to give me a break and make the time go by faster! 
And my dear friend Megan is going to sleep over all 2 weeks to keep me company:) 
I love her!!! 
Ella said "Miss Meggie" will be our daddy for 2 weeks while our real daddy is gone! 
Please keep Mark and our family in your prayers! We would greatly appreciate them!

Well, off for a play date at Littleton Historical Museum and lunch with the twins! 
Have a great Tuesday, everyone!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are all set up for this trip - having someone sleep over and having a schedule all set! Good for you!! That will make the difference between those 2 weeks dragging by or actually being enjoyable. :) Those friends who help me out during Jason's Navy trips (anywhere from a few days to a month, so far) are worth their weight in gold! I'll be praying for you! -Jenny
