Saturday, June 18, 2011

Journal Update: Day 9 of 17

We have a new member of our family- 
a baby spotted leopard gecko- 
whose name I believe this moment is Sandy.
 because he lives in sand I guess.
But it could change tomorrow, ya never know! 
He is pretty cute and I am actually excited about him.
The kids can hold him which is a HUGE plus in my eyes.

That pretty much sums up our Saturday- it was a VERY low key day and we all needed that! 
We went to the library to turn in one of our reading records (you can do 3 all summer at Bemis) and got a free kids meal to Applebees and Chickfila for all 4 kids
 and free bowling.. as well as a tattoo and sticker and free book! 
I really love Bemis Library- they are super small and personal and give great prizes. 
I cant wait to see what the next round is.

The kids did open a restaurant for Megan and I and it was SUPER cute! 
The name of it was..
The Hot Cocoa Tower
if you are ever in the Denver area- 
stop on by for some AMAZING cuisine! 
Teddy bear crackers like you've never tasted before:) 

they even had a menu and everything

 Arianna was the waitress

Sophia was the chef
 Lij and Ella were the customers along with me and Megan

The food was brought on very tiny plates.

The girls brought the bill which was $3.00 
so I gave them real money and they were SOOO excited! 
They had to give one to Ella to be fair. 
When we were leaving the restaurant, they came back with a card and said
"The next time you come in you can use this coupon to eat for FREE!" 
I was proud! They are thrifty girls after my own heart! 

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