Friday, July 22, 2011

Beating the Heat

Hope you can find a way to 
Beat the Heat
Happy Summer! 


  1. Were these taken with your new camera?? Because they are GORGEOUS!!!

    P.S. We have a "splash park" near our house at a local park and we LOVE it (not to mention, it's free!!).

    And I'm trying to beat the heat by STAYING INSIDE with the A/C...we have a crazy heatwave going on here...up to 100 degrees everyday!!! bleck!!! When we go to the public pool, it's CRAMMED with people...which makes it not so!

  2. YES!!! Doesnt it make such a HUGE difference:) The pictures are SO clear and crisp! I still need to get photoshop and then I can really play with them:)
    And FREE is GREAT! Ours our too! Its been in the high 90's here too- yuck! I bet its SOOO much worse for you being so preggo!!! NOT FUN! I remember in July in MA when I was preggo with the twins- it was NOT fun! Heres hoping you stay cool!!
