Friday, August 19, 2011

The Heat is On

 It has been HOT here in Denver this month of August- but we always find ways to cool down! 
This past Sunday we enjoyed Grandma and Grandpas company for lunch and then splashing at a local fountain- we have SO many fountains here in the city- its crazy! 
The kids sure do enjoy them!
This weekend they are calling for rain and storms.
Maybe it will cool it down some.
I am ready for fall. 
Its coming- the nights are much cooler and in the morning, 
you can just "smell" fall in the air! 

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are oh-so-cute. My boys all love the water too. And I'm like you - I'm ready for fall! I really love Autumn and will really miss it, so I'm going to try to enjoy this year's fall extra much!

    Also, I was just looking at your kids pics on the sidebar and cracked up at your underwear-backwards-wearing boy; Luke was like that until he was about 5! That way he could see the picture on the underwear. (duh!)
