Monday, August 15, 2011

San Diego: Day 3

 I promise.. I WILL finish these San Diego Pictures and posts soon:) 
We started day 3 off downtown at The Hash House-
 you MUST eat there if you are ever in the area! 
The platters are HUGE (no exaggeration) and absolutely delicious!
This is the sage friend chicken over mashed potatoes with 
eggs, bacon, spinach, tomatoes, and a chipotle cream sauce
 Day 3 took us over the bridge to Coronado Island.
We spent the whole day there lounging in the sun. This beach was not crowded at ALL and we had a huge stretch basically all to ourselves. We went out pretty far and rode the waves which were huge! I think this was my favorite beach to go out in the water! They also had TONS of sand dollars at this beach- I found 4 WHOLE sand dollars! They were small but it was still pretty cool. This beach was were these HUGE army planes would land at a base right next to the beach. They were SO loud and I almost panicked the first time one landed. It honestly looked like it was going to land on us! We also saw marine guys jumping out of a plane with parachutes- it was really cool.

 That night we headed to Olde Towne which basically looks like a street in Mexico- tons of street vendors and shops and TONS of delicious Mexican food! 
Almost all the places made their own tortillas- they were delicious! 

 We then went back over to La Jolla to try to get some good sunset shots on the beach.
 It was pretty cloudy but we did manage to grab a few beautiful pictures! 

1 comment:

  1. Chastity,
    Thwe shot with the seagull and the sunset with the light on the water were both fantastic! Glad you had such a good time in San Diego:)
