Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know, I know.. summers not technically over but when you are married to a teacher and he goes back to school, it feels like it is over:) I must confess I LOVE being married to a teacher! I LOVE that my husband gets the summers off although he is always keeping busy with extra work
 to earn more for our family! But the flexibility of summers is awesome! 

Mark went back to school this past Tuesday and the twins will start school this Monday 
so in a sense, the carefree days of summer are winding down here. 
We celebrated with a trip to our local neighborhood pool- 
Ben Franklin Pool- 
it was just wonderful, relaxing, cool and 
just plain awesome
 to have a whole afternoon swimming, splashing and
 just enjoying each other in the last moments of summer!
yes, the twins went down ,went under and swam to the side of the pool all by themselves!!!!

the first time she used her floaties but after that- she took them off and did awesome

They have a splash pad for the younger ones

this slide went REALLY fast and the twins LOVED it

they make the kids sit out for 15 minutes for adult swim

Mark and I took advantage and showed the kids our mad diving board skills:)

I really feel like they grew up SOOO much this summer! 

Sophia jumped off the pretty high diving board into the 11ft water!
It took Arianna a bunch of failed attempts but she FINALLY jumped! 

 That night we walked to the school to play on the playgrounds and fly our kite- 
wonderful family memories! 


  1. What a great summer ending! I am proud of your twins for being brave with their swimming! 11 feet is pretty deep! I am glad y'all had such a fun last day!
