Friday, September 2, 2011

How Are You Spending Your Weekend?

Dont you love this vintage effect on these pictures we took camping the other weekend? 
I used a free photo editing thingy at
You should try it- its super cool and its free! 

Last night we went to a Valor Math Department Party at Kathy's house- most all the math teachers from Valor came and we shared a yummy dinner. I am so thankful for such a wonderful group of teachers that Mark gets to interact with every day. They are so kind, funny and just great people! 

I am participating in a HUGE kids consignment sale this weekend- I am selling clothes and hope to make a fortune:)ha! It was pretty easy to do. I came up with prices that I wanted to sell items for and then entered them on an online pricing system and then printed out the tags and attached them to my stuff. You drop them off, they get inspected and then you put them out on the sale floor and that is it! You get 60% of the sale for doing that. If you volunteer- you get another 5% back and if 5 friends come with your consignment number , you get another 5% back so thats 70% altogether! I think thats awesome for consigning!  I plan to volunteer tomorrow for 4 hours. It should be fun! I already shopped and got some really good deals yesterday. Ella is ALL set for fall/winter clothes. Elijah  needs casual clothes like knit pants and long-sleeved tshirts and the twins need a few more school outfits. And they all need winter boots and thats about it. Not bad at all. I shop in off seasons for the most part so its nice to pull out a bin of clothes all ready for that new season. And I get them dirt cheap too! The only time buying ahead has come back to bite me is with shoes. You can just never guess right about what size they will be in in a years time. 

The weather is supposed to cool down  this weekend into next week. It has honestly been in the 90's for weeks now and I am SO tired of heat and sweating. I am ready for fall. I am ready for jeans and little jackets and sweaters:) I really LOVE fall! Its my favorite season. Hopefully we get a fall this year and dont skip it and go right to winter. I could see it happening. 

well, I am off to organize and rearrange the basement. Its time:) 
Have a wonderful weekend! 

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