Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sophia and Arianna's Fall Music/Art Showcase- Hopkins Elementary

 This past Monday, the twins had a special art/music night at Hopkins. 
Their art work was displayed throughout the school.

 And they got to sing, just the 2nd and 3rd graders, in a special little performance.
All week, the music teacher said Arianna would get afraid when they practiced and did not want to go on the stage. I thought she was just trying to get attention. But the night of the performance she started crying. Daddy tried talking to her and praying with her before it started for her to brave but she worked herself up and was in tears. (she'll probably kill me one day for taking this picture!) The gym was PACKED too- I'm sure that didnt help.
 So, while Sophia stood on the stage and sang her heart out....
 Arianna stood on the side of the stage between the principal and her teacher and sang from there..
 We were honored to have their friends Maddie and Clara come to watch the performance.
 I {ADORE} how they are holding hands in this next picture! 
 Here are a few close friends in their class- JJ and Shea.

 After, we all went out with the Lutzs to Yogurtland to celebrate a job well done.
Here is  one song that Sophie performed:) Enjoy! 

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