Monday, November 28, 2011

Exciting Times for Sola Church

 Sola Church has some exciting things happen in the past week!
First, Mel and Chad welcomed their 4th child- 
{Knox Patrick Mondragon}
 to the world on Friday the 25th! He was born about 3 weeks early and has been in the NICU since Friday- he is working on growing those lungs:) 
We are praying that he continues to grow stronger and gets to be home soon! 

 He sure is a cute little guy! 
We just LOVE the Mondragons and cant wait to love on this little guy very soon! 

 Then, this past Sunday, we had our first baptism! 
Our church watched as Franki professed her faith in Christ and desire to be obedient in baptism! 
It was a sweet event for sure!

 AND... Franki and Jon got engaged on Thanksgiving DAy! 
Oh, the excitement! 
They are the cutest couple!

 We got to met Franki's mom who came up from Pueblo for the baptism! 
God is good and we are praising Him for how He is building His church!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful you took pictures, Chastity! So sorry to have missed such a special time.
