Thursday, December 15, 2011


This year we got a real tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Mark wasnt too thrilled but I had sweet visions of pine scented smells wafting through the house and a cute tree filling up my window.
Well, BIG real Christmas trees are WAY out of our budget so we found a groupon for $20 and got a small tree that was only about 4 ft tall. I watered it like crazy but it wasnt drinking all too much and 2 weeks later it was so dead that I was afraid to turn on the lights and the ornaments were falling off.
So a few days ago, I threw it in the dumpster, and brought out the fake one, lit a pine candle and 
I LOVE it! 
I am never going back to a real one again- Mark you can remind me of this next year! 

 Every year we get a new ornament for the kids and write their names and the year on the back- this year Elijah got a Bronco player- he named it Tim Tebow- and the girls got Hello Kitty! 

Its been one CRAZY week! We have had a lot of sickness in the house so its made things a tad difficult. We had to miss the Valor family Christmas party. The kids have missed some school. Arianna missed her girl scout Christmas party and was deeply disappointed but I guess this all means we have spent more time together as a family for which I can be grateful!

Mark and I did get to get out to a FABULOUS Valor Discovery Christmas Party and it was WONDERFUL! Honestly, I was almost in tears at how grateful I was for that night out with Mark- no kids, wonderful food, great fellowship with some pretty awesome people- it was GREAT and much needed by this tired mommy!  Special thanks to Franki and Jon who babysat for us and even with a kid that had a low fever- you guys are AWESOME!

We were still able to have some company over last night for dinner which was so nice!
And I have been BUSY all week making Christmas presents, Christmas cookies and treats for parties at school and for teachers and friends, mailing presents and writing Christmas cards:) Its been fun!

I have fallen a bit behind in our advent daily happenings so I we have 2 books that have not been read and 3 names of Jesus we have not discussed but this is bound to happen, right?!

Hoping we can kick this bug in our house out the door so we can have a productive weekend and then TWO WEEKS OFF of school! Although I'm not too sure it will be anytime soon as I got a call a few minutes ago from the twins teacher that they are complaining about their belly's hurting- we will see what the day brings!


  1. That tree is beautiful! When I saw the first picture and then read what you were saying about a real tree that was small I just couldn't believe that first picture was the tree you were describing and then I kept reading for the rest of the story. sad. :( I love our yearly tradition of getting a real tree, but the price is sky-rocketing! We keep telling ourselves that we will cherish these memories when we are overseas someday and we are paying for the memory and the experience. We do get a hayride, hot chocolate, and something called "Christmas sausage" with the price of the tree though. I'm so thankful you're [almost] through w sickness. It's been a rough week and a half for us too. I'm so thankful we'll be done before Christmas and Christmas break, right?!

  2. That is a HUGE part of why I wanted a real one this year too- start a new tradition but it just cant happen in Colorado! The trees out here in the mountains arent very "pretty" and they are out in the middle of nowhere with lots of snow so we just go fake:)
