Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 12- Mark- Park with 100 kids / Tina's Owl Baby Shower

Today we celebrated Tina and baby Natalia at Lodo's. 
Tina is due the end of July and we are VERY excited to meet her sweet little girl!
Natalia's bedroom theme is "owls" in light pink, brown and green so thats what we went for the shower decor. I found this CUTE owl cake on Martha Stewart and its one of my favorite ones that I've ever made. 

The brushetta was out of this world! 
 This was the first baby shower my girls have gone to and they LOVED it! 

 This quilt below was given to Tina by Matt's grandmother and it has been in the family MANY generations- such a cool tradition to pass along.

It was a very full and good day spent with my wonderful family! and Elijah got to spend the whole day with grandpa and Avery and had the time of his life! He talked all about it on the way home tonight:) 

Mark has a busy day ahead so if you are reading this late at night, please pray for him. He will be preaching up to 4 times again Sunday (which is now) They will also hold another VBS and youth rally and have the main church service. They are very close to being done in Africa and we are very excited to have him home! Make sure to check out for some pretty cool pictures. I especially love the ones of them building the houses! Today they were going to take a bunch of elementary kids to an African park- not the kind we think of in America, but he said they can ride camels, etc. I haven't talked to him yet tonight to see how it went but I am sure the kids had fun.

1 comment:

  1. the first time i took my girls to a shower they said "mom, i don't know if we should really go to a shower. i mean do we really have to get naked in front of everyone?!" i will NEVER Forget that!!
