Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 16 and Day 17- The End

Wednesday, we enjoyed doing errands in the VERY cool weather which was a welcome relief from the heat. Wednesday night, the Wishalls invited us over for dinner which was a great way to spend the evening. Thanks, guys!
Thursday morning we waited and waited... we went to the library. We ran a couple errands. We were SO ready when 4:30 came around and we left for the airport! On the way into the airport, Arianna fell on the escalator and cut her knee pretty badly. So she greeted Daddy with lots of tears but only because her knee was hurting:) I , on the other hand, lost it when I saw him. I could not stop crying. It was amazingly wonderful to see him and touch him and hold him. I praise God for the safety He granted thru the many hours on planes, buses and vans.
We are whole again and blessed to continue life with one AMAZING man! Please pray for him as he deals with jet lag being back. All the kids want to do is climb on him and play and I know last year it took him a while to get back into the swing of things.

Cant wait to share lots of pictures and one SUPER cool video of a pack of lions tearing into some other animal with you guys.

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