Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 2- Marks in Kenya / Pool, Perusing and Pedi

We started off the day in the pool but it was SO chilly so we went home early. 
I did some MAJOR house cleaning- it really needed it! 

After lunch we headed to Aspen grove with Erika and her girls to score some VERY good deals at Gymboree for this winter. Like $1.50- $4.00 shirts, jeans, skirts, hoodies. It was unbelievable! We cooled off after our bargain hunting with iced coffee from Panera and cookies for the kiddos. Fun times!

Mark texted today around 4pm to tell me they had landed safely in Nairobi. SO thankful! He said the plane ride went well and was very long. Feel free to check out for updates from the team!

Tonight, Bobby offered to watch the kiddos while Val and I went out to get a pedi and have some tea:)

It was such a good night! Fun to catch up while being pampered and enjoying the best tea I have had in Denver- visit the website here- I am definitely planning on returning !

I tried iced strawberry cream tea with my Greek Panini and Grilled Pear Salad.. all of it was Amazing!
 I finished off dinner with a yummy Earl Grey hot tea accompanied by blueberry and raspberry warm scones with cream and berry coulis. YUMM-o! 

Bobby survived the evening and on the way home we saw some pretty cool and scary lightning fill the sky. Of course the kids were so scared. We skyped with Daddy (He was just waking up and getting breakfast) and that was SO exciting for the kiddos and me:) It was good to hear his voice. The thunder got louder so they are all now sleeping in one bed cuddled together. I told them the story of Ella's birth (they are fascinated with birth stories lately) and it distracted them a lot! We also closed the night in prayer in bed and it really calmed their nerves (and mine too)

I never watch the news so right now I am up watching tv because it is REALLY windy and raining tons and lightning and thundering and there is a tornado watch in affect for our county so I think I will stay up longer just to make sure I dont miss a real tornado or anything! and now it is hailing.. oh goodness.. big chunks- eek! I dont like storms!

P.S. I know these updates aren't that exciting but Mark likes to see the pictures off our day so they are really for him- sorry:)


  1. That's a fun filled day right there:) Your kiddos are adorable! Hope the storms are past and every one is ok!!

  2. Wow, you have such fancy meals when I'm gone. Good for you.
