Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mt. Falcon Birthday Hike

We celebrated, last Sunday the 23rd, grandma's birthday with a birthday hike on Mt. Falcon. 
First we stopped off at The Blue Cow for some nourishment (aka lunch) and then it was hiking we went. It was a LONG hike too and the kiddos (overall) manned up and did great.

                        Can you spy a lizard?                                                    The kids did!

 Lijers is pretty fast! 

 Up the mountain to the super cool lookout and birthday cake! 

 The many faces of Ella. The "tebowing" was all her idea! This kid cracks me up! 

 Can you spy the great city of Denver?

 The hike to the castle was so peaceful and serene. 
I looked up the history of this "castle" and it seems that the Walker family wanted this to be the second "summer" white house for the presidents! You can read the whole story here if you are so inclined. 
It is an amazing story.

 It was a very wonderful day with wonderful family members! We are so blessed! 
Happy Birthday Grandma! 

1 comment:

  1. So, are you going to tell us how the cake got to the top of that mountain? :)
